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The winter season has arrived, and now is a great time to start shopping for a luxurious new fur. Due to its unique properties, fur is able to provide wearers with ultimate comfort and style. Before you invest in a new fur coat, it is a great idea to talk to a furrier that specializes in luxury furs near Chicago. Your fur expert can help you choose a new coat or other garment that matches perfectly with the rest of your wardrobe. Read on for a look at some common questions that you may want to ask when you are purchasing a new fur:

What Are the Features of a Quality Fur?

There are several key features that you will want to look for when you are shopping for luxury furs. When you touch the surface of the fur, you should be able to feel both a top coat and distinctive under fur. Quality furs also have shiny pelts, which reflect light and dazzle with their beautiful coloration.

What Type of Fur Should I Purchase?

As you are shopping for furs, you will find that there are many different types of furs that are available in the style that you are seeking. Since each fur species has its own distinctive properties, you may want to ask your furrier for any particular recommendations that he or she may have. Ideally, your fur should be soft, comfortable, and a comfortable weight for you to wear.

How Do I Care For My New Fur?

In order to keep your fur in beautiful condition throughout the years, you will want to make sure that you treat it with the utmost care. After you have purchased and worn your fur, it is essential to make sure that you store it properly during the off season. A fur cold storage facility can keep your fur in pristine condition for years to come.